Miscellaneous Services

Creeping Ice Cream Parlor

Creeping Ice Cream Parlor was located at the Corner of East Center Street (now University Avenue) and Hill Street. The original building has since been demolished, and in its place stands the University of Akron School of Music. It appeared in both the Akron Negro Directory and the Akron City Directory in 1922, which lists W. H. Smith as the owner. In the previous year, Smith had operated a marriage license business at this location. It appears that the business shared the same building as the U.N.I.A (Universal Negro Improvement Association) which served as a meeting place for the Young Men’s Progressive Club and the Colored Women’s Independent Voters Club. It is not known when The Creeping Ice Cream Parlor was erected or demolished. Though not much is known about the Creeping Ice Cream Parlor, it appears that this site was, or was in proximity to, an important area for the African American community in Akron, and was at the forefront for the advocacy of African American rights.

Location of Creeping Ice Cream Parlor (circled in red) | Plat Book of the City of Akron, 1921


  • Advertisement “Marriage Licenses.” Akron Beacon Journal. April 11, 1921.
  • Advertisement “To Discuss Politics.” Akron Beacon Journal. September 13, 1926.
  • Advertisement. Akron Beacon Journal. August 4, 1927.
  • Directory Listing. Akron City Directory. 1922
  • Map. Plat Book of the City of Akron. 1921
Original Address: 157 E Center St. At the corner of Hill Street and University Ave. Now occupied by the University of Akron School of Music at 139 E Buchtel Ave.

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